I took a run down the river, but found the air off the water was actually chilly, so I cut in on the Dequindre Cut up to the Eastern Market, ran back down Gratiot and landed on Woodward downtown.
I was impressed with how few strange looks I got on my run. Normally I feel like a fish flopping around on land with the stares that I get from people while running. I had a few friendly nods and for the most part, people were willing to share the sidewalk, whether they were homeless or simply walking to their car from work.
I was impressed with how few strange looks I got on my run. Normally I feel like a fish flopping around on land with the stares that I get from people while running. I had a few friendly nods and for the most part, people were willing to share the sidewalk, whether they were homeless or simply walking to their car from work.
I drove home and sat again on my floor wondering what on earth I was going to make for dinner. I consciously try to let my food supplies dwindle until I physically cannot make anything for dinner and I am nearing the end of that run for this week. But, not tonight! No, no my friends, not tonight! Tonight, I made Gorgonzola Stuffed Chicken.
Yes, you heard it here first folks, Gorgonzola Stuffed Chicken on my dinner table tonight. It was relatively simple, though whenever you tell anyone that you made something stuffed they think something extr
a went into your dinner. In fact, I find it a bit easier. Instead of cooking each thing separately and trying to hold your food together, you put a slice in the chicken, stuff all the goodies inside, and throw it in the oven. 35 minutes later, all you have to do is make a few cuts and enjoy everything at once. The best dinner ever.
I added some fresh asparagus and a few potato slices that I baked to complete the meal. It was tasty overall. I will say that if you plan on stuffing anything, stuff more than you think you need, lest you end up with a small pocket of goodness in your meal and a surrounding of semi-goodness elsewhere. I was disappointed in my stuffing abilities, though I made two chicken breasts and have saved the other for lunch tomorrow. Perhaps the other was stuffed better.
I also need to work on my potato slices. They were okay, but still too potatoey and not enough... grease? I put ketchup on them first, but found, like any good Dutch person, that I preferred some light mayonnaise instead.
If I were not saving for vacation I would have enjoyed a good glass of wine with the meal, but alas, I settled for milk instead. So close.
Sadly, I enjoyed this meal like so many others by myself. I want to speak very briefly on the title of my blog, mainly because I don't think I have before and like many things I write, there is some cryptic meaning... sort of.
Mainly, I have experienced some growing pains as I head into my adulthood. (Gross.) But, seriously, being so isolated in a city where I know so few people and surrounded by people who have well-established cliques is a challenge. And like most people in suburbia, there are not great attempts to know your neighbors and most policies do not encourage getting to know each other. For example, my apartment complex does not allow any sort of party or barbeque so the large area of lush grass outside my window commonly sits empty and well-kept. In fact, just a few weekends ago I used it for the first time with a friend when we played a brief game of catch.
So I titled my blog, "Lost in the Suburbs" because I feel that I have indeed lost a bit of my mojo. I don't have the same intense energy and desire to go out and enjoy the city as much as I did in previous places I've lived. Obviously, through this blog I've been making very concentrated efforts at breaking through that rut to find a connection, but its been difficult.
While having some alone time is always needed and as a recent friend suggested, very healthy for a person, too much is just plain lonely. I've learned how to cope and am no longer afraid to go to the movies alone (except scary movies... I live by myself here people!). But, it would certainly be nice to have the opportunity to call someone on a whim and take a stroll like the good old days.
Have no fear though, I will continue to persist! In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm just writing this down as a note to myself. A public journal of sorts. Yet, I have a good time, and that's what its all about. If you'll excuse me, I have some more chicken to eat!