Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of School

I wasn't late. I found all my classes. I didn't even fall asleep once! It turns out that it was a pretty good day. I even got a job today! It might only be work-study and only a few hours per week, but with all the reading I'm going to do, I think it will work out just fine.

I woke up this morning, ate a great breakfast, and packed my bags for school. I hopped on the bus and rode in to class just in time to see a few others that I recognized from orientation last week. We said our hellos and started walking down the hall where we thought our classroom was. Room 2110, room 2109, room 2107. Wait, where is room 2108? Turns out the building really is a maze. Naturally, that's what you get when you're in an architectural building.

Me on the first day of school!
Anyway, I learned about 'Michigan time' today, a real thing where classes actually start 10 minutes after they are scheduled. I learned about some planning theorists and how we are going to be studying them. I learned about law and how it fits into planning.

I realized I'll need a planner and that I'll need to get back into a higher gear to keep up with reading and assignments. I'm feeling tired, a little overwhelmed, but not but anything that I won't be able to handle. I'm excited for the challenges and ready to get going on the road ahead.

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