Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Running on Trust

A funny thing happened while I was out on my run this weekend. It was a strange thing that I've never, ever experienced before. As I approached a driveway to Gordon Food Service a truck was waiting for traffic to clear in the path of the sidewalk. It was an old chevy truck, blue with rust spots over the tires and a cap on the back.

When I usually arrive at a situation like this, I start looking for alternatives. Nothing sucks more than to be out on a long run, come towards the end when you're getting tired, and having to stop dead in your tracks for a car in your path. I usually look for a gap behind the car, for the start of the sidewalk on the other side, safe footing for my feet to traverse, and eye contact with the driver.

As I said, a strange thing happened. The truck slowly started to move backwards. The man inside had seen me coming and moved his truck out of my path so that I could safely cross. We made eye contact, he nodded with a smile and both hands on the wheel, I gave a small wave and mouthed 'thank you,' to show my appreciation.

Moments like these give me hope in humanity.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sunday Stats

In an effort to do more to track my running and simply to share a bit more about my trainings, here are my stats from the week. I started tracking on Wednesday, so next week will be a full week.

Sunday: Off
Monday: 3 Mile Run
Tuesday: 4 Mile Run
Wednesday: 7 Mile Run; 1:10
Thursday: 7 Mile Run; 0:56
Friday: 3 Mile Run; 0:32
Saturday: 12 Mile Run; 2:00

Here is a look at a tracking source that I have been using. This is from Mapmyrun.com.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Running in the Suburbs

I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but somehow I was doing a very poor job running for several weeks and the Milwaukee Half-Marathon is now six weeks away. And grad school starts in two weeks. YAY!

To make some excuses for not running, it was really hot in July (and then it wasn't for several weeks.) BUT, during those weeks I went to two weddings and moved. And that was a lot of new stuff. I still went out for runs, but I had so many other things I'd rather do. And I have to get up earlier. So, yeah, excuses.

The other thing that's bugged me is that I can't quite find a running route I particularly like. The new apartment is nestled in between three very large roads, two of which are expressways, and the third of which is a major US highway.