Wednesday, July 17, 2013

50 State Challenge

As usual, its been a long time since I've blogged. I could put together a string of excuses or talk about the things that you've missed in the time that's passed, but mostly all I can say is that I've been a bit lazy and unmotivated to write. True, there are always interesting things happening, but nothing that seems, blog-worthy.

But, alas, I found an idea. Recently I was taking a look at the Milwaukee Mini-Marathon website. I'm running this race on September 28 and wanted to see what kind of course it was. It never really matters to me, but I always like to do a quick streetview to see what I can expect. 

The Milwaukee race is part of my quest to run at least a half-marathon distance in every state before I turn 50. A 50 by 50 challenge or a 50 states challenge or just a silly and idiotic goal that I want to complete. As I looked at the race, I wondered what others have done who run lots of races. I would have been shocked if I were the only person who ever thought of running in all 50 states. 

A quick Google search showed that there are in fact, MANY people who run in all the states, including a woman who blogs about it. And voila, there is my new idea for what to blog about. It won't be JUST running, as I think there are many other interesting things to write about, but it will be centered around the idea that I generally plan my vacations several months in advance, so as to hit a race. It might be about things I saw on training runs or how I'm feeling in general. But, no matter what, it will be something that I find fun to write about. I only hope you enjoy reading. 

While I do intend to write about my trip to Seattle to complete the Seattle Rock n' Roll Marathon, I will catch you up on the other races. My first big race was in 2009 in Traverse City, when I completed the Bayshore Marathon. In the following years I ran the Detroit Half-Marathon, St. Louis Half-Marathon, Detroit Marathon, Kalamazoo Half-Marathon, Toledo Half-Marathon, and now the Seattle Marathon. This list does not include one cancelled half-marathon in Princeton, New Jersey. (Thanks a LOT Hurricane Sandy.)

All told I am up to 4 states, with number 5 coming in September. What can be said for it? I've got to see some cool places. I've got several friends who are fun to hang out with. I've encouraged many others to participate in runs or simply there to see the spectacle of thousands of ridiculous people who get up early to run long distances and drink beer afterwards. 

I look forward to it now. Rarely am I off a training schedule for a race. Rarely do I not have a location picked out in advance. I keep in touch with friends and listen to where they are going. More often than not, it results in a great chance to see somebody in a fun place. 

I know it will get harder and harder to do. Right now, I'm focused mostly on the midwest. Races can be expensive and adding travel costs makes it even more so. I've only flown to two and for each I had a welcome bed in a friendly place. As the states nearby start to get more filled in, the travel dollars will start to go up. 

Milwaukee comes in September and then another race will need to be identified. Indiana, and Illinois are strong possibilities, but there is potential for the east coast in New Jersey or the Washington area. I might be looking in Minnesota soon or California. There are a few races that cross multiple states, and I think as long as I run a half distance in each, I'd be satisfied. 

At any rate, I find it fun. Its an exciting goal. It keeps me occupied. It keeps me busy. I have a map to color in, and boy do I love coloring maps. I have a time I want to beat. I'd love to qualify for Boston. But even if I don't, I'll have had a lot of fun touring the country, visiting with old friends, and saying I've accomplished something really cool. 

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