Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fat Tuesdays: Black Bean Burgers

I know this is a day late. So what.

On Sunday I made up this tasty treat that I've been eating all week. The recipe is for Black Bean Burgers and comes from

I found this a while ago and really enjoyed the recipe. Especially for a single guy, I can make 4 burgers which last for 4 meals! And it only takes one can of black beans which you can usually get for a dollar or less at the grocery store. Basically, its an inexpensive meal that lasts and can be made any way you like.

A few notes on the online recipe:
- Draining the beans is a great idea. I didn't used to do that and had very sloppy burgers. I recommend following instructions on draining and rinsing.
- I do not have a food processor. Therefore I cut the onions and green peppers into small chunks. The bigger the chunk, the more you'll have chunky burgers. Personally, I think the color of green and onion (I use red onions) makes your burger look quite delectable. I mean, we are working with mashed up beans here.
- The bread crumbs are essential. I used to try and get away without, but the burgers end up very sticky and hardly hold together. Then I tried crumbling slices of bread with similar results. True bread crumbs work amazingly well to hold together the patty.
- You can add any spices or vegetables you want to the burger. Try different things. However, make sure you use something or your black beans are going to be... beans. But, even a small amount of something flavorful gives the burgers all the kick you need.
- Finally, cheese does not melt well on the burgers and it isn't as easy to see when they are done. You may want to let the cheese melt in the pan before sticking it on top and I would suggest letting the outside of the burger turn golden before saying the burger is done. The good news is you can't undercook the burger, but the crispier it is, the better it tastes, at least in my opinion.

So voila! Black bean burgers made from just one can of black beans! Tasty and satisfying. Enjoy!

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