Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do you run with a Phone?

I've seen recommendations before that music is a good thing to have while doing a work-out. Something about the rhythm of the beat when timed with your exercise makes you do better. As I mentioned previously, I can't run with music, mostly because I can't get earbuds to stay in my ears. And yes, I've tried different kinds of earbuds and yes my ears are big and should hold buds, but they don't.

Anyway, I have a reader submitted question. Jay asks,

"I know you don't run with music. But do you run with a phone? I always have a phone with me when I run, mostly for music but also because I figure if I trip and fall in a ditch I could call for help. Do you have a plan for emergencies? Like making sure Janel knows your route? Cash for water?"

These are legitimate questions. My answer is: it depends. 
I do like to bring a phone for a time keeping device. While I don't always run for time, I do like to know if I'm doing well. This could easily be solved by a watch, but watches get really sweaty on my wrists, I don't really like having things on my wrists, and my watch broke. Therefore, I'm left to having my phone with me for time keeping. And in most cases I need to keep time to ensure that I stay on schedule. 

So, I usually bring a phone with me, mostly to make sure I'm not late. However, I recently had an incident where I've become more hesitant to bring my phone. While running in the Toledo Half-Marathon, I ran with my phone all 13.1 miles. It also rained all 13.1 miles. After that race, my phone would do nothing but sit on camera mode. I'm confident this is because of water damage. I'm rather cautious now in taking my phone when its raining or with a chance of rain. 

In the event that I'm running a long route, I usually do take my phone. A long route is usually something that is going to take me longer than an hour. Somewhere between 6 and 7 miles I start to take my phone with me. This is in the event of emergencies. Because if I'm at mile 8 of 15 and I snap my ankle, I'm about 8 miles away from home. 

As a precaution, I do generally show my longer routes to Janel, just to be sure she's familiar with where I'm going. And if I take my phone, she sometimes checks in just to see how its going. This is usually to make sure that I'm staying on pace and that I'm not hurt. Janel also usually knows the pace I take for races. It hasn't happened, but if I ever had a very slow pace, she would probably know. 

Water is something I'll take with me if need be. I used to run with a belt, but I can't stand belts on my run. So, I now carry a water bottle on my run. It isn't convenient, but it is necessary. Again, if I'm getting over 5 miles, water is essential, unless of course it's 90 degrees outside, in which case, it's always essential. 

Simple responses, but a small insight into what I take with me on a run. Phones and water often, but not always. 

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