Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fat Tuesdays: Guess Who!

Hey hey! So, I don't have any food for today's Fat Tuesday because, in case you didn't notice, I've been MIA for a couple of weeks. All I can say is... oops. Sorry! Basically, I was lazy and didn't feel like writing. So there.

But, America (and by that I mean dear family, Jay, Josie, and Jessica) I am back. And I'm ready to do some writing.

Let's start with today. I woke up this morning full of energy, relaxed by the evening thunderstorm and ready to conquer the day. I even had a good breakfast and was ready earlier than usual. I jumped into my car and noticed immediately that something was off. As I titled my body weight to one side, I poked my head out the window to see a lovely flat tire.

I jumped into Boy Scout mode with my Auto Mechanic merit badge and set to work changing my tire. Meanwhile, thoughts were running through my head: 
  • cars suck
  • did someone slash my tires? 
  • who would be mad at me to slash my tires?
  • why did they only slash one?
  • why is this jack stuck in my trunk?
  • I think I'm selling my car
  • WHO put these LUGnuts on last? Holy cow!
  • Okay, I think we're good. 
  • Great, the spare is soft
Yes, I called my Pops for some help. It always seems a bit silly doesn't it? My dad lives two hours away, I have a flat tire, and here I am calling for assistance. I think it must be the simple assurance through a familiar voice that things would work out okay. 

I went to work, stressed for about 15 minutes, and then got caught up in the day-to-day. I had found the local Belle Tire and got prepped for how to take the slowest, least trafficked route there. 

Basically, I was prepped to pay a bunch for a new tire. I had no idea that they can do repairs there at Belle Tire and no idea that they did them for free. Thankfully, my dad checked in on me to see how things were going, and made sure I asked for a repair and not a new tire.

Artist Rendering of my Dad

Anyway, the point of all this is that I was really stressed this morning. As the sun was rising (and the humidity was causing me to sweat profusely) I silently muttered numerous four letter words and thought about how this day was going to be miserable with such an awful start. 

In actuality, it wasn't much different from any other day, except I got sweaty before 9, my car tilted slightly to the left, and I had a pit stop to make before I went home. And when you think about, that's usually how most stressful things go. One minute its a crisis and the next minute its just another day. 

Oh, and on an unrelated topic, I really like this shirt.

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