Monday, July 2, 2012

Marvelous Mondays: 5 Things You Can Do When Its Really Flippin Hot.

I'm not a huge fan of the heat. I like it to be about 75 degrees and then stop. This 90 degree stuff is just not boding well for a sweaty guy like me. Here are 5 things you can do when it gets really flippin hot.

1). Tell everybody you can about how hot it is.
This is a great thing to do. It really doesn't matter who it is, you really should tell them about the heat. Tell your friends, tell your co-workers, text some people you haven't talked to in a while, call up some others, and tell everyone that it is hot. They could even live in the same city as you, but there is a good chance that your neighborhood is a few degrees warmer than theirs. So you should tell them about the heat.

2). Go for a run.
There's nothing like running in 90 degree heat to make you feel like an athlete. As you stand on the corner panting, waiting for the stop light to change, the disgusted looks from fatties in their cars are usually the best confirmation for how athletic you are. Those looks alone often give me an extra mile.

Sadly, the heat can often take a lot out of you and when you return home you usually look like this:

At least I have my health. 

3). Go to any source of water and use it. 
This applies to friends' pools, fountains, sprinklers in people's yards, rivers, taps, and any other water source not mentioned. Jump in them, wade in them, drink the water, and generally do whatever you can to not be hot. 


4). Sit in front of sixty-three fans and don't move. 
Okay, so actually I only have three fans, but you get the idea here. 

5). Go do everything you would normally do anyway. 
When it gets to be this hot there is a general understanding that people are gonna sweat. So get out there and do the things you planned on doing. Get real sweaty on a walk, buy those groceries in style, slather on some extra deodorant (and bring a spare stick) and enjoy being human! 

So there you have it! 5 great things to do in this heat! Hope you had a marvelous Monday! 

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